New StreetSwap Fuel-BNB Pool, Updates, Staking, Smart Contract Audit Report, & Roadmap
What a few days it’s been!
We are thrilled to have launched Jetfuel.Finance. For over a month the team has been hard at work building Jetfuel for the BSC community. The support and feedback from the community have been tremendous. We want to thank everyone who’s helped us get to where we are now.
Jetfuel Stats:
Our community and FUEL token is flourishing. In just 48 short hours here are some stats we gathered:
Fuel: over 27,600 transfers
Telegram: 416 members
Twitter: 320 followers
Total Locked Value (TVL) continues to rapidly grow. At the time of writing, over $921,000 in value has been staked on Jetfuel to earn $FUEL. Over $3200 in FUEL has been burned forever and taken out of the supply due to the 1% burning tax. We can’t wait to see what the future will bring.
New Pool at’s Streetswap:
Jetfuel is live on’s Streetswap! To celebrate our second exchange partner, the Street Swap Fuel-BNB pool will have 30% of all new FUEL rewards. Head over to Streetswap and add liquidity.
Pool Updates:
In order to accommodate the new FUEL-BNB pool at StreetSwap, the FUEL reward allocations have been updated. Fuel holders will be happy to see that 80% of all new fuel rewards go to the FUEL-BNB LPs!
Smart Contract Auditor Report: The Jetfuel team has ordered a report from the well known smart contract auditor Vidarr. His report will look at our FUEL contract, MasterFuel Contract, and JETS contract. It will be published in a few days. You can follow his work here -
Road Map:
12/13: Design Contest ends
12/13: Staking FUEL for JETS Begins
12/18: NFT giveaway to the first 100 entries.
Coming Soon - Vaults
APY Correction: It came to our attention from a few users that some of the APYs were reporting incorrectly. After a closer analysis, it appeared our method to calculate the lp token value for some pairs was incorrect. As soon as the error was discovered we jumped to work. We consulted with the Beefy Finance team (thanks superbeefyboy!) and they looked at our formulas and gave some solid advice. Now things look as they should be.
Quick Links:
Buy Fuel: Buy Fuel Here